
Tea Dictionary Genmaicha

Genmai cha: Genmai cha also known as brown rice tea is the Japanese name for green tea combined with roasted brown rice. It is sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea" because a few grains of the rice pop during the roasting process and resemble popcorn . This type of tea was originally drunk by poor Japanese, as the rice served as a filler and reduced the price of the tea; which is why it is also known as the "people's tea". Today it is consumed by all segments of society.

记得很多年前在网上看到一位旅居美国的素友介绍自己的素食经验,在他的文章里我第一次见到“糙米(Brown rice)”这个词,当时还误以为是棕色的大米,颇是好笑。


3) 玄米茶,大麦茶之区别
玄米茶和大麦茶都是日本茶,但是他们是完全不一样的。玄米茶是日本绿茶(生茶,或者叫煎茶或蒸青茶)和玄米的有机融合而成,而大麦茶是没有茶叶的,其实就是单纯的焙大麦。我们去餐馆能够经常喝到大麦茶,却很少能喝到玄米茶,主要是因为价格,因为大麦茶非常便宜。 而从口味上看,玄米茶则远优于大麦茶。目前玄米茶在味千拉面、仙踪林、料理店中广泛使用。

Tea Dictionary F

Firing: The method of rapidly firing the tealeaf with hot air or in a hot pan in order
to quickly cease fermentation and dry the leaf.


Flavored tea: Tea that has been scented and flavored with spices or flavors, which
may include cinnamon, orange rind, or Bergamot oil, to name a few.


香霖谈小注:不少地方把Flavored tea翻译成加香茶,调味茶我以为翻译成“风味茶”更贴切,而Spiced tea翻译成“调味茶”更好,比方说我们常见的Rose-flavored tea. Litchi-flavored black tea,翻译成玫瑰风味茶,和荔枝风味红茶,总比玫瑰加香茶,荔枝加香红茶更顺口,更贴切。感觉在日常使用中Flavored tea 和Spiced tea 并无多大区别,相比之下使用flavored tea 更多些。

Formosa or Formosa oolong: An Oolong tea produced in Taiwan, which is considered the champagne of tea.




champagne of tea(茶中香槟)这个头衔现在往往被冠于大吉岭(Darjeeling),而不少人也都知道茶中勃艮第(Burgundy of tea)是我们的祁门红茶(Keemun),我想是因为这个称谓早已被冠之于祁门,所以后来的大吉岭只能是香槟了~~~


Tea Dictionary( F )Fair Trade Tea

Fair trade teas:
A tea that is certified by an international agency as having been grown on a farm that is part of a Fair Trade working cooperative. Fair Trade certification works to allow farmers to warrant a fair price for their goods and at the same time upholds specific standards for the wages and living and working conditions of its workers.


现在国际市场上有很多公平贸易产品,比如茶叶,大米,小麦。有很多印度茶叶企业开始在美国申请公平贸易产品的认证。目前一些大的印度红茶企业也开始关注这个运动,因为其认证内容越来越多的与有机,低农残等相关联,目前60%的Fair Trade 茶拥有有机茶叶的证书,这是让消费者放心购买的条件之一。不少国外茶叶零售企业,零售店已开始朝着销售百分之百公平贸易茶的方向发展,这很值得我们国内茶叶界关注。国内的企业加入公平贸易团体来推广自己的产品是一个走向国际市场的很好的方式,不过一个企业的产品被认证为公平贸易产品,要达到的要求不少。不过门槛也远没我们一些人想象的那么高。

在消费者心目中强调环保和劳资关系是美国人的一贯做法,国内的茶叶要在国际市场建立品牌,树立良好形象,可以从Fair Trade中得到启示。印度的马凯巴里社也正在着手加入Fair Trade ,他的社会公益活动--大吉岭白内障手术日本支援队从2003年开始,到去年已经坚持了4年了。大吉岭地区电力不足,很多妇女患有白内障,日本的马凯巴里代理商便开始组织日本的医务人员去大吉岭,为当地人免费作手术...


Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) is a non-profit, multi stakeholder association involving 23 member organizations (Labelling Initiatives and Producer Networks), traders and external experts. The organization develops and reviews Fairtrade standards and provides support to Fairtrade Certified Producers by assisting them in gaining and maintaining Fairtrade certification and capitalizing on market opportunities.


Tea Dictionary (2) 字母 D E

Darjeeling: This tea district in northeast India is best known for its brisk and floral black teas.


Dust: The smallest and usually lower quality grade of tea commonly used in commercial teabags.


Dust tea is a low-quality grade of fine grained black tea. Traditionally these were treated as the rejects of the manufacturing process in making high quality leaf tea like the Orange Pekoe. When leaves break or get crushed during the manufacturing process they are variously labelled as Broken Orange Pekoe, Fannings and dust based on the particle size. The smaller the particle, the lower the quality.

This traditionally low quality tea has however experienced a huge demand in the developing world in the last century as the practice of tea drinking became popular. Cheap tea stalls in India and the South Asian sub-continent, and Africa prefer dust tea because it is cheap and also produces a very strong brew - consequently more cups are obtained per measure of tea dust. (extracted from wikipedia)


Earl Grey: A black tea scented with citrus oil from the Bergamot orange.



Earl Grey tea is a tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit. extracted from Wikipedia


Traditionally the term "Earl Grey" was applied only to black tea; however, today the term is also applied to green teas, including white tea and oolong, and tisanes, such as rooibos, that contain oil of bergamot, or a bergamot flavour. Because of Earl Grey's aroma and Twinings' distinctive packaging in England with Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, the tea is sometimes called "Old Stinky". extracted from Wikipedia


English breakfast tea: A brisk and lively black tea, traditionally Keemuns from
China and often including China congou blends and Ceylon blends. These teas are
frequently served with milk and sugar.



Tea Dictionary (1) 字母 A B C

This is a huge task intended to compile a comprehensive bilingual tea dictionary shared by everybody.If you can contribute to it,your participation will be greatly appreciated.



Artisan teas: Often refers to premium, full-leaf white, green, and black teas that
are hand-sewn into intricate blossoms or rosettes; they require no tea bag or
strainer and “bloom” when steeped; sometimes referred to as flowering teas,
peonies, or anemones.


Assam: This state in India is the largest tea-producing district in the world and is
best known for its variety of black teas.


Black tea: The foremost tea sold worldwide. Prepared from green tealeaves that
have been allowed to fully ferment and wither. Brews a reddish-orange or reddish-brown


Blend: Two or more varietals of tea blended together.


Caffeine: A stimulant contained in tea, which can boost the heart rate and alertness
and, in elevated quantities, can lead to restlessness or insomnia.

咖啡因: 茶叶中的一种刺激性物质,可以加快心率,使人兴奋,量大的话,可导致失眠或者休息不好.

Ceylon: These black teas are from Sri Lanka, one of the largest tea exporters


Cha: The word for the Chinese and Japanese character referring to tea.


Chai: A popular tea drink made from strong black tea, milk, sugar, and spices.


Chanoyu: The Japanese tea ceremony, literally meaning "hot water tea," which
celebrates the beauty and mundane aspects of everyday life.


The common international criteria for black tea grading

Most people in tea industry know there is wide difference in tea grading between China and international community.Now I introduce the international criteria here for your reference and I will add more knowledge later on this subject to make it comprehensive.I invite your comment and complement to help me accomplish the task.

OP:Orange Pekoe,橙黄白毫 通常指的是叶片较长而完整的茶叶.
BOP:Broken Orange Pekoe,碎橙黄白毫 顾名思义,较细碎的OP.滋味较浓重,一般适合用来冲泡奶茶.
FOP:Flowery Orange Pekoe,花橙黄白毫 含有较多芽的红茶.
TGFOP:Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe,含有较多金黄芽叶的红茶,滋味香气叶更清芬悠扬.
FTGFOP:Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe,经精制而成的高品质茶叶.
SFTGFOP:Super Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe,多了Super,意义不言而喻.
CTC:Crush Tear Curl,在经过萎调,揉捻后,利用专门的机器将茶叶碾碎(Crush),撕裂(Tear),卷曲(Curl),使之成为极小的颗粒状,利于在极短的时间内冲泡出茶汁,所以常用于袋泡茶(teabag).

如同传统制茶有OP(FOP),BOP,BOPF,D四个等级一样,CTC制茶也有BP,PF,PD,D等等级,从产区比例上看,比如99%的茶叶是CTC的肯尼亚,大约65%是CTCPF1(Pekoe fannings One)锡兰茶以传统方式为主,BOP和BOPF占70%。国内消费,印度也是如此,老百姓喝dust多。很多CTC茶在拍卖时可以卖到好价,是因为尽管是CTC茶,在采摘,萎凋这两个




Annual output and falsification

The report released by Keemun Black Tea Association showed the annual output of Keemun Black Tea in 2006 amounted to 2409 tons among which the quantity of the first top grade HAO YA A(毫芽A) is only 2 tons and the second top grade Hao Ya B (毫芽B) 10 tons.According to the statistic we gathered, the year-to-year output increase is around 7%,with a growth rate of about 3% in both Keemun Hao Ya A and B.
Compared to Darjeeling teas or Ceylon teas,the quantity of Keemun Black Tea produced each year is very low,not enough to meet the huge demand.
The consequence…
Many factories take advantage of Keemun's celebrity status to profiteer.Their teas differ much in flavor and taste from Keemun ,even not reaching the basic standards of Keemun Tea.I think it is why somebody told me "I can't see why Keemun is a famous tea?".The words really hurt me but also spur me to work against falsification and protect the fame of Keemun Black Tea.Now china has lagged behind India in protecting work.We should make efforts to make a change.
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The criteria of Keemun grading

I often heard foreign tea drinkers said they easily got confused by Keemun's grading.Yes,this is a really complicated issue which profiteers tend to take advantage of to screw you.So if you are a Keemun lover, you'd better gain an insight into it.Keemun Black Tea is graded in an unique way instead of the way of FOP,OP etcs,which is commonly used.Unlike FOP,OP to grade tea mainly according to the size of leaves(whole leaves,broken leaves,fannings and dust),the criteria of keemun grading is so complicated that it divides Keemun into up to ten grades:hao ya A,hao ya B,special grade,and grade 1~7.The highest grade is hao ya A while the 7th grade is lowest.In fact, it is quality inspection criteria.I gave the above chart only covering special grade,grade 1 and grade 5 to allow you a comparison.

By learning it,you will find the grading work is a refined art which encompasses a large number of variables.In fact it is conducted by tea tasters who use their sharp sense of sight, smell, touch and taste while judging the quality of tea. And the criteria shown in the above chart is just for general guidance rather than a yardstick to standardise against.The truth is the work is essentially subjective,depending on tea tasters' ability to register minute differences in Keemun Black Tea which differs from invoice to invoice.Knowing that,you will understand why distinction exists even between teas sold on the same grades.Prior to the transformation of SOE system in China,Keemun Black Tea is only produced by a few SOEs so the unified grading criteria can be implemented.But as more and more non-public owned enterprises enter into Keemun Black Teas production,it became difficult to implement the unified criteria any more.As result the grade of tea isn't able to guarantee its quality in many cases.
We always like to share knowlege of keemun as well as the line with you.We appreciate your comments and wish to answer any questions from you.For more information Pls explore http://www.viconyteas.com/


keemun red snail

The brewed leaves


Keemun red snail,one type of keemun tea,may be not known by many people even keemun lovers who mostly are familiar with Keemun Maofeng , Keemun Hao Ya,or Keemun Congou.

We'd like introduce the another black tea version of bi luo chun with all the charateritics of keemun tea.

what is authentic keemun

In china,tea drinkers always like to judge whether the tea they are drinking is authentic or not. What is authentic? Why some chinese gourmet tea is much better than others?To many western tea drinkers, the idea of authenticity is foreign. Quality is quality. Does it really matter where it is produced?Yes, it does. After all, tea is the by-product of the soil, water, air and light that sustain and nourish it.
In Keemun county,tea garden is scattered over the mountainous area which is covered by forest. In this area, there is sufficient rainfall and the atmospheric temperature is lower with higher humidity. One of the essential factors for good black tea is mellow taste. This taste originats from amino acid found in tea leaf, named as theanine. Young buds contain high level of theanine and when tea leaves receive sun light, theanine converts into polyphenol such as catechins. At high elevation, tea-planting area is often covered by fog which blocks the direct sun light on tea leaves. Consequently, tea leaves are very rich in theanine as the conversion to polyphenol is not effectively taking place. This is the first reason for Keemun being long-lasting fragrant and non-astringent but mellow.
The second reason for that is because of the cultivar of keemun tea plant named 槠叶种 (Zhu-ye-zhong). This is the only tea leaf in which an essential oil called myrcenal is found -- it also occurs in oil of Bay. At the same time it contains a high level of another substance called geraniol ,one of the main aromatic elements existing in tea leaves.The content of geraniol in the keemun tea leaves is 40 to 100 times higher than that of ordinary tea subvarieties.The two elements ,to a large extent,give keemun tea indescribable sweetness and aroma like a dried black rose, I think -- less poetic friends are reminded of toast hot from the oven.
The last reason of the keemun fragrance should be ascribed to the people who have been being dedicated to the tea production.This is a line involving much know-hows,skills,experience and sensory judgements which is gained by talent and through diligence and persistence.
All Keemun is distinctive and much of it produced in Keemun County is superior. Then you discover Keemun Mao Feng and Keemun Hao Ya, which are simply superb-perfectly formed leaf with taste as delicate as bird song. Keemun Mao Feng and Keemun Hao Ya features fine taut strips without breaking leaves so Keemun is also known as one of the congou-type teas; meaning its production requires a great deal of gongfu (disciplined skill).Their unique keemun flavors are so nuanced and layered that one feels adding milk or sugar would be sacrilegious, faint praise impossible. Both of them are handmade in orthodox processing ways resulting in low output.(of couse another reason is that Keemun is produced in a relatively small area confined in Keemun County and its neighboring area.).


the history of keemun black tea

Keemun was made in year 1875 at Keemun County (祁门县 Qi-men Xian), Anhui Province (安徽省 An-hui Sheng).In fact,Qimen county produced only green tea until the mid 1870's. At that time a young man in the civil service lost his job. Being totally heartbroken and completely embarrassed by his shame, he remembered what his father told him - ‘A skill is a better guarantor of a living than precarious officialdom’. Following this advice, the young man packed up his courage and his bags to travel to Fujian province to learn the secrets of black tea manufacturing. Upon his return to Qimen in 1875 he set up three factories to produce black tea. The black tea method was perfectly suited to the tea leaves produced in this warm moist climate with well drained sandy soil. Before long, the superb flavor of Keemun became very popular around the world.It is reported that Queen of England counts upon Imperial Keemun Maofeng as one of her teas of choice.
Despite its relatively short history,(for a Chinese tea!) Keemun became world renowned by 1915 in taste tests conducted by the leading tea companies of the day. It was preferred over Darjeeling! 1915 also marked another milestone in Keemun’s history - it won the Gold Prize at the International Exposition in Panama. Even though more and more tea connoisseurs take to Assams and Ceylon black teas in recent years, Premium quality Keemun still remains "king of the black teas”.
Keemun Black Tea has been awarded for many times in international and domestic tea contests. The main awards are: 1913: Keemun Black Tea was awarded the Gold Prize at the Expo held at Italy 1915: Keemun Black Tea won the Gold Prize in the Expo (万国博览会) held at Panama 1987: In the 26th World Premium Food Product Contest held at Belgium, Keemun won the Gold Prize.

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